Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick-or-Treat...This Time It's For REAL!!!

The FINAL night of Halloween this year! I am ready for it to be over although I am hoping that all of this walking has helped my body decide it is tired and needs to birth this baby! In the meantime, here are some pictures from this evening! Tonight we THOUGHT we were going "low key" and keeping it just to a few houses in our neighborhood, grandparents' houses and a close family friend. It turned out to be MUCH longer than we anticipated! Jesstine had dinner at about 8:30 and was in bed WELL after 9. Usually she is in bed around 8:30 and WELL before 9! Here is her night in pictures!

 We decided to throw Daddy for a loop and trick-or-treat our own house first! Keep him on his toes!

 This is Grandmom's neighbors' house. Jesstine likes to feed their dogs cheese. We thought they may appreciate seeing her tonight. Although, she didn't appreciate the scary sounds that were being made as she made her way to the door. She took her candy and was ready to get out of there as FAST as she could! She did get greeted by one of the dogs, Daisy.

 Now at Grandmom's (Stephen's mom) house. She kept saying, "Grandmom won't have scary sounds. She has a Cat trail instead!" (There are some stepping stones in the garden to the right that have cats and cat prints on them. She likes to take the "cat trail" when she is outside with Grandmom sometimes.)

 Papa Hutchins' house. On the way there, she asked which house she was going to next. We told her and she again asked us, "Will he get the moon for me?" (See the earlier post HERE.)

 After that, we went to the home of our babysitter and close family friends, the Kolars from church.

 They gave her some Halloween Peeps. This was the treat she asked for after her dinner. She called them the "pumpkins with legs."

 Kara has always been SO sweet to Jesstine! For some reason they tend to dress in the same colors on Sunday mornings without even consulting each other! It is uncanny!

Our final stop was at Grandma and Grandpa Griffee's (Lacie's mom). Grandma knows the way to THIS girl's heart! She gave her a whole barrel of individually packaged cheese balls! (This is what Jesstine was potty trained on!) I (and I am sure Jesstine) will cherish this picture!

We are all partied out! We came home to find that our bowl had been emptied and turned upside down. Something tells me that people didn't heed the sign that said, "Please take ONE!" Oh well, less candy for us to eat. We will just have to raid Jesstine's! So until NEXT year's Halloween, hopefully this is it!

Lord willing, the next post will be less Halloween and more Emmitt!!!! My belly is sinking pretty low! Our bags are all packed. I even put them in the car thinking that if something happens and we have to head to the hospital in a hurry and we aren't at home or near home, we have everything we need! I will just have to dig out my phone charger if my phone goes dead between now and then!

In Him,
The Hutchins

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