Sunday, October 30, 2011

First of Many

Friday was the first of our MANY trick-or-treating opportunities for Jesstine. In case you haven't been around us much, Jesstine is going to be Dumpty for Halloween this year. This came about last year almost immediately after Halloween, she kept saying she wanted to be Dumpty for Halloween. I started working on her costume and got most of the way through and she decided she wanted to be Repunzal.....hmmmm. Daddy and I decided that wasn't an option. I had to really use some brain power to come up with a Dumpty costume though! Who would have guessed that yellow vertically striped fabric was so difficult? To top it off, the person I had intended to sew for me couldn't do it. Luckily that was in early September. Being pregnant, I decided that I was going to have it READY to go before we got too close. I think it took me until mid October to finish it. Our first chance to wear it and add some face makeup was Friday. Since Jesstine's second Halloween, we have always taken part in a Story and Songs Trick-or-Treating event at a local nursing home put on by our Parents As Teachers organization. The kids sit and listen (usually to a resident) read a few stories, our PAT music teacher leads a few songs and then the residents line up in the hallway to pass out candy for the kids. So, here is a picture of Jesstine as Dumpty and some pictures from her first Trick-or Treat event this year. Tonight is Trunk-or-Treat at church and a friend's church.
 My attempt at a Dumpty costume. We told Jesstine that Dumpty was Baby Dumpty and she was the Mommy Dumpty. She insists that instead, she is, "JESSTINE Dumpty!"

 Kylie (a lion) and Jesstine (Jesstine Dumpty) waiting for the songs and stories to begin.

 Carter, Kylie and Jesstine dancing to the songs.

 Carter looking JUST like his Daddy as he crawls in and out of the chair during a story.

Kylie, Grace, and Jesstine waiting in line to go get treats from the residents.

In Him,
The Hutchins

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