Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Fun

Yesterday was one of those summer days that I had spent half of the school year looking forward to! We didn't have anywhere we HAD to go or be and the friends we usually get together with have a sick baby, so we played! We went to the splash pad, picnic, library and home for a nice long nap!

Had to get a picture under the frog. Why not? We did LAST year!
This year the pad was a little slow on draining the water. The kids all thought it was neat, kinda like a mini pool!
We got take out and went to the park because A) Jesstine wanted Wendy's and I didn't and B) it was SUPER nice outside! First cool day in a while.
She is getting so big! She crossed her legs to keep her balanced on the picnic bench!

Later we went to the library which is quickly becoming one of her FAVORITE places to go! That's good! It's air conditioned!

In Him,
The Hutchins'

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