Sunday, June 5, 2011

Big Girl!

Just thought I would share a special moment I had with Jesstine today! We have just returned from a weekend trip to see my cousin, Jason, get married. Jesstine was a SUPER good girl on the trip especially considering she didn't have a nap for two days and went to bed 1 to 2 hours late both nights! Today after her nap, she disappeared. I heard this little voice from somewhere back near the hallway. I went back to check on her and she was on the potty in the dark and she had done this all by herself! A little while later, she had a snack of Cars the movie fruit gummies and milk. She decided she needed to wash her hands. I asked if she needed help and she didn't answer. I heard the water turn on and a few moments later turning back off. I went in to check on her and she had washed her hands all by herself!! I had to help her dry them. As I was drying her hands, I asked her when she got to be such a big girl. She quickly replied with, "Because I gonna to be three soon!" What a sweet girl. Here she is in her dress for the wedding!

In Him,
The Hutchins'

P.S. One of Jesstine's favorite parts of the trip was getting to ride the "elegator" up and down from our room at the hotel!

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