Saturday, September 10, 2011


It is fun to pick out similarities in yourself and your child. Or even your spouse in your child! Perhaps even more fun is picking out similarities with other family members. This could be anything from physical features to even mannerisms or likes and dislikes. Well, we have found an endearing similarity between Jesstine and Papa. She LOVES popcorn! A few weeks ago, I took her to Pump It Up because she got a free pass for reaching her summer reading goal. She got popcorn as a snack afterwards and tore through the entire bag before we got home! This last week we went to the zoo. We got a coupon for free popcorn with our membership pack this year. So, we used it while we were there. She ate an ENTIRE small box of popcorn on her own! Last night, we took Jesstine bowling for the first time (forgot to take the camera and my phone battery was dying, so no pictures, sorry!). When we got home, we enjoyed some popcorn and Looney Tunes. So, Papa Hutchins, this post is dedicated to you! It seems as though you have passed on your love of popcorn to a sweet little girl!

In Him,
The Hutchins

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