Friday, September 2, 2011

Another First

Well, another first occurred in a week of firsts this week! Jesstine has been going to the pool since she was very young. I started putting a swim vest on her shortly before she turned two and she has been pretty independent in the water ever since. This summer we made it a point to have a swim "playdate" at least once a week with Jesstine's best buddy, Kylie. Well, Kylie got a sore spot on her leg from her swim vest. So this week she has had to go sans swimvest. It was only last week that we really discovered that the girls could really "swim" without a vest. We had only ever tried it in the shallow end where they could touch. Well, with Kylie being without a swimvest, we took the girls to the deep end and they jumped in, swam to us, and then swam to the wall! It was astonishing to me! I had thought for quite some time that Jesstine may be ready, but I just wasn't brave enough to try it! She still needs a considerable amount of help, but she is at least MOSTLY doing it by herself! She can swim about 5-10 feet without me holding her! I am so proud of my girl! She is growing up SO fast! Just in time for us to have another, and hopefully our last, baby to watch grow up! Oh, and don't worry! I still plan on using a vest MOST of the time we are in the deep water. It is just fantastic to me that she CAN go without one!

In Him,
The Hutchins

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