Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Those of you who know me pretty well know that patience is NOT something I am good at! I need a whole lot more! So this game of waiting has been not so fun! Had another appointment today. No progress. Emmitt is doing fine. The little guy moved all of the way to the opposite side (still head down). So, looks like Friday is going to be the day because I doubt it he will come on his own. So, on to this game of waiting. In the meantime I have decided to go ahead and stay home from work tomorrow and just take things low key with Jesstine until Friday! Hopefully I can get some rest. Today I have felt exhausted. Of course waking up at 3:20 and not being able to fall asleep until after 5:30 AM is not very helpful! I have been able to spend some quality time with Jesstine though! Some last minute mommy/daughter time before baby brother is born. Today we watched a baby show. It showed babies being born. Twins were born by c-section and a little boy was born regularly. I told her that when the baby comes out, he is going to be really messy, but he is okay. The twins were born and being cleaned up and Jesstine said, "OH! Dey awe SO cute! I can't WAIT until my baby comes out of my mommy!" It made me smile!

In Him,
The Hutchins

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