Santa made it all the way from the North Pole for an early visit to the children at church tonight. Jesstine was SO excited! I was smart and waited until AFTER nap to tell her that Santa was going to be at church! Before we got to see Santa, we had dinner at church. We told Jesstine that she had to eat a good dinner before she could see Santa. Surprisingly, she did quite well. She has decided that ham is an okay alternative to chicken or turkey. This year the set up was WAY better organized than the free for all last year turned out to be! Last year we got to be the parents with the picture of the screaming child on Santa's lap! This year, Santa was located in a classroom that was empty aside for some decorated Christmas trees and a throne for him to sit on. We lined up in family groups outside of the door to the classroom. While in line, I tried to prepare Jesstine the best I could. I said, "When Santa asks your name, what are you going to tell him?" She answered by saying her full name (middle name included). I said he would probably ask if she had been a good girl and what she wanted for Christmas. Me-"What DO you want for Christmas?" J-"TOYS!!!!" Me-"What kind of toys? Like a kitchen, food, dishes, a doll, a car, a train....(I continued to list things off.)" J-"A kishen!" Sure enough that is what she asked for (although her daddy would have wanted her to say "pay the mortgage). I dressed her for the occassion as well! She was very good to sit on Santa's lap! She even got to get a goodie bag! When we got home, I took advantage of the fact that she was wearing her Christmas best and did my own photo shoot! I have asked Santa for a new camera this year. The old one had JUST enough left in it to give us a beautiful shot of our girl in front of our Christmas tree. Even better, her favorite ornament is right above her head! Enjoy!
In Him,
The Hutchins
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