Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ramona and Beezus

I grew up reading the Ramona Quimby books when I was in elementary school. I LOVED them! I remember begging my mom to get me the books each time the book fair came to school or we would get a book order. So, today I decided I was going to go see the movie. I would have gone by myself, but I thought it would be nice to go with someone else. I texted my mom last night and she was excited to go with me! We had a GREAT time. I loved the movie so much! For those of you who are familiar with the Ramona books, there wasn't the story from the book called "Ramona and Beezus." This movie is really a culmination of all of the books.

Ramona is played by such a cute little actress, Joey King, who I think captured the character so well! Selena Gomez who was made famous by some stuff on the Disney channel, played Beezus, the older and much more reserved sister. The casting for this movie was great. The rest of the characters included some familiar faces like the father who was on Sex in the City, Sandra Oh of Grey's Anatomy (who played a very similar character in this movie as Ramona's teacher) and Aunt B. Perhaps the neatest thing was the fact that Beezus, the mom, Aunt B. and the baby Roberta all looked so much alike! It made for a very convincing relationship. The family dynamic movie is like something from a fairy tale, but there is a point in the movie where, just like any family, there is a rocky patch. I don't think that I could have imagined some of Ramona's antics nearly as well as they played out in front of me on the movie screen! It was cute and imaginative, just like the character herself! It was a quite enjoyable movie! Beverly Cleary is probably very proud!

So if you want to travel back to the stories of your childhood, this is a good movie to see! It makes me want to get them out and read them again!!! I think I may hit the Borders to see if I can find them to start collecting them for Jesstine as I read them.
Thanks Mom for joining me on a trip back to my childhood!!

In Him,

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