Sunday, September 21, 2008

Trial Run

Okay, so I only have a week and a half before I go back to work. I know that I only work 2 times a week and each time is just for 4 hours, but Jesstine is still SO young! I am not looking forward to it just yet. I am, but I am not. I am excited that I will actually be teaching music this year. I am not excited to leave my daughter for that long. I know she will be in good hands though. Grandmom will be taking care of her for the most part. Sometimes Stephen will work from home on Wednesday mornings to help take care of her. That is the plan anyhow! I know that things can quickly change. SO, because I am going back to work shortly, we decided that we all needed a trial run. It has also been a while since Stephen and I have had a baby free date night and one that didn't consist of staying home and watching what was on the DVR or a movie between Jesstine feedings! We decided that yesterday would be the most convenient time for such a thing. We chose to do it around the same time that I would be leaving her when I went to work. Okay, so we didn't manage to get out until 2:30 and I will need to leave my house at Noon when I work! But, we did leave her for a little over four hours. It could be a good thing or a bad thing that it just so happened that this was a day of growing for Jesstine. Those of you with children know that a growth spurt at this age means a lot of eating and sleeping with very little playing. She was VERY sleepy yesterday. When she ate, she got down to business and ate fast. Then she would almost always go back to sleep. Needless to say, until we were on our way home, she was mostly asleep and did a great job. When she did wake up she even gave Grandmom some great smiles and happiness. She ate her bottle very fast and she didn't cry until right before I got there to pick her up. Then she ate for about 15 mins. and was asleep as we made our way home. Needless to say, I believe it was worse on me than on her! She did great and there are no signs that she missed us at all. Thanks so much Grandmom for a wonderful afternoon (for Jesstine and us)!

As always, we hope that you all are doing well! Thank you again for stopping by to see Jesstine growing in pictures and in words! Until next time....

In Him,
Lacie, Stephen, and Jesstine


Jenni said...

Jesstine is ready to come play at our house. Can you send her over today?

Lisa Beth Hutchins said...

The idea of returning to work was SO stressful for me. I work at home, but I have to go in twice a week, and I was just overwhelmed with the idea of trying to nurse him and get my work done because nursing took so much of my time. It got better, but I will never forget that feeling!