As you can tell, three days has come and gone. We went to the hospital yesterday and had the amniocentesis done. The first time they came back and said it was borderline. That was not a definitive enough answer for my doctor. He wanted to be absolutely sure that
Jesstine was not going to come out with immature lungs. So, he sent it off to another hospital for a better test. He was thinking if it was just slightly low, he would go ahead with the induction. However, it was more than just slightly low. So, we were sent home. They all thought I was going to cry. I didn't until I got home. Even then it was more of the same terrified feeling I have been having through this whole pregnancy. My biggest fear is that I have come this far and she will die inside of me like Babe B. did. The good thing is I have made it farther in the pregnancy than I did with Babe B. That has helped. My attitude after leaving the hospital was more along the lines of, "I know that this is for the best." Obviously God has a plan for
Jesstine. One thing I have struggled with is trusting Him and His plan for our lives. Perhaps this is His way of saying, "Let me take control of this situation." Really, He has had control the whole time, He was just waiting for me to see that! So, now my attitude is that I trust whatever timing God has planned, I just ask that he let this baby be born alive, healthy and strong! Now, as far as plans medically are concerned, we have a new approach as well. I am not quite sure what that is yet! The doctor said he wanted to see me Tuesday morning and we will reevaluate things then. I am hoping (again with God's timing in mind) that he will say, "We have reached 38 weeks and her lungs should be ready now. Let's shoot for Friday." Again, I am praying for God to use his timing in whatever approach the doctor talks to me about on Tuesday. I would LOVE to share my birthday with my daughter. (For those of you who don't know, my birthday is Friday, August 15.) I have always wanted her to have her own day, but that would be FINE with me if we shared the same day! I don't plan on having another
amnio. though! I won't go through that again. I still hurt from this one! Her position didn't make it easy for the doctor to
perform! It took three tries to get the fluid out. the good news is that the fluid was clear!
Anyhow, so stay tuned to the blog for more information. Right now I am just like every other pregnant woman! I have to wait (at least until my doctor decides where to go next). I think the doctor will still like a controlled environment where he induces, but I am not sure on the timing. If I should go into labor on my own, then the doctor is not going to stop it. At this point if babies come on their own, they are ready. My nephew, Noah, was born at exactly 37 weeks and is one of the smartest little boys I know for his age! He did just fine! He is wonderful! I will have to post the picture that Jenni took of him feeling
Jesstine's foot moving inside my belly. It is precious! As soon as you get it on the computer Jenni, send it my way please!
Until then,
Lacie, Stephen, and Jesstine