Stephen had Friday off, so we took the opportunity to decorate Babe B.'s grave before the weekend got really busy for us. It is always a bittersweet moment for me. For me growing up, memorial day was always a day to remember my grandparents and great grandparents. Never did I imagine that I would be decorating the grave of my own child. Yet, I want to honor her. I want to share a moment with her because that is all I got with her while she was alive. So, each year we have decided to honor her with a new set of flowers in her urn to last year round. Then we set up some real flowers. We always choose a lily because that was the flower that someone sent to us while we were up in the hospital. It reminds me of her. A professional photographer took pictures for us in the hospital and incorporated a bright pink daisy. So daisies have become a part of this years memory for us. We even got a flower (purple daisy) for Jesstine to give to her big sister! When we were picking up the real flowers at the floral department in Dillon's, the ladies liked Jesstine so much, they gave her a purple balloon. She was overjoyed! Seeing the joy on her face reminded me that all kids like balloons! So, we put the balloon out there for Babe B. as well! Here are the pictures of how we honored our Babe B. We love you to the moon and back Babe B.
Jesstine decided she was going to help with the clean up. Daddy vacuumed while she took care of the cord! What a good helper!
We hope you all had a great holiday weekend. It was very busy for us, but we took time out to remember the reason why we celebrate Memorial day. There are soldiers fighting for our freedom every day! Take time to honor them as well as those of our family who have gone on before us. Also remember God's promise that we will have an eternal home with him in glory and we will see our loved ones again!
God Bless!
Stephen, Lacie and Jesstine
P.S. A big thanks to my sister-in-law (or sister-in-love as she likes to put it) for the house! We have so much fun with it! It is always the first toy Jesstine goes to when I set her out to play!